Founder portrait Mein Kurs Magdeburg
With whom am I dealing here? Please introduce yourself and your product shortly.
We are Lea and Markus of We are a young start-up from Magdeburg and take care of everything about courses, seminars and workshops. For this we have developed a digital and a physical infrastructure, which creates optimal conditions for course participants and course instructors. Instructors for example will not have to deal with the complex course organization. We also provide rooms for the courses and thus relieve course instructors. Also for course paticipants the selection as well as the booking and payment of courses is as pleasant as possible.
But you are not the first!
It would be nice if there was something like that already! Some compare us at first glance with the Volkshochschule (VHS) - courses, seminars and workshops. In reality, very different interests are behind it. Rather, we want to be a creative, modern, versatile platform where anything can happen that has quality. As a result of the fact that practically anyone can lead a course with us, some of them only have the idea then to offer something themselves! We already think that we create new possibilities through our invention, which currently have not existed before. After all, we have courses that increase the work-life balance, special offers for babies and children and even more childcare for mothers' courses! So we are open to a los ;-)
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
That was the time organizational effort behind the bureaucracy and various administrative
procedures and applications. But it's worth it! Our tip: Don't give up! At some point you are done with everything.
What is the current progress of your project?
We are almost done with the renovation and design of our classrooms. The platform is already online and courses, seminars and workshops are booked. The steop from theory to practice brings with it many things one did not think of before. We sill have much to coordinate and organize.
Why did you found in Magdeburg? What connects you to the city?
Markus studied in Magdeburg and comes from the area. After graduation, he worked for four years in Stuttgart at Daimler, the classic story. Lea, who originally comes from Bavaria and worked in Stuttgat as a coval and music teacher and singer, met Markus in Stuttgart. When visiting friends in Magdeburg Lea has been enchanted by the green and the expanse of the city. Due to the many design opetions, we have finally turned our back on Stuttgart and moved to Magdeburg to implement our ideas. There is still plenty of room for reativity and founders are supported here from all sides, as we are currently experiencing!
Be honest - How will you be the next Unicorn Business or will we see you soon at the FuckUp Night?
Of course, like every start-up, we have a vision! Accordingly, our favorite glance at the future shows a lot of pins on my-course "branches" on the Germany map. The plan is to become Germany's first address for courses, seminars and workshops.
Your advice to other founders?
Accept support! Many do not know that there are many funding opportunities around the topic of start-up and founding. There are sometimes even EU subsidies behind it. This gives you the opportunity to make use of professional advice and much more without financial resources. For example we have been supported by the Nance Kaemmerer, via the TUGZ, who as a mentor, has brought us to where we stand, not only with her extensive start-up competence. She also brings so much professional commitment and extensive expertise that suprises us again and again.
Which type are you? Either„Volleyball im Stadtpark“ or„Yoga an der Elbe“?
Lea is definitely the type „Yoga im Stadtpark“. She likes it calm and relaxed. For Markus it is volleyball in the park in the form of speedminton at the Elbe.
Source of pictures:
(c) Chris Rößler, Transfer- und Gründerzentrum