6. Ladies Night in Engineering Sciences
On the 11th of April the 6th Ladies' Night for Women in Engineering Sciences took place and the TUGZ and the MakerLabs presented themselves from their best side. There was an exciting exchange and potential future founders informed themselves about the various start-up opportunities.
Despite the cold weather, more thatn 50 interested people found their way to the TUGZ stand and networked with each other. It was discussed together with various experts how a successfull start-up coaching can be implemented alongside the studies and what role the founding workshops can play in this.
The guided tour then started with two of the eight sponsored MakerLabs of Otto-von-Guericke University Magdebugr. The laboratories "Mobilität und Logistik" (iP-LogMO) and the labor inspector Mrs. Judith Zadek as well as"Arbeitswelt 4.0" (AWI-Lab) were presented by laboratory supervisor Eric Harnau with exciting and interesting contributions.
This way modern techniques could be explored as well as example products could be tried out. The participants were especially pleased that the university laboratories could be used free of charge for projects with new ideas.
Picture (c) Christian Rößler/ TUGZ