
Plastic is not stable enough? Metal will help! With our SLM system, metallic components made from super-fine metal powder can be printed directly.

The components just come from the SLM system? With our slide grinding machine, components can be deburred, corners rounded and surfaces smoothed. 

What does the surface look like before and after the slide grinding? Does it meet the quality requirements of the customer? With our confocal microscope the surface structure will be visible. 

Whether joints in medical technology, milling cutters or gear wheels, with the drag grinding system edges and surfaces  can be precisely finished. 

You installed a component and it broke within no time? What could be the problem? For example it could be because of residual stresses in the material. With our X-ray diffractometer residual stresses in the material can be made non-destructive visivble. 

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Last Modification: 15.02.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster