Start Me Up @Urwahn

Erstellt von Daniela Geppert am 31.07.2019 um 10:34 Uhr:

Header Startmeup3

01.06.2018 (Nance Kaemmerer) - Are you looking for reinforcement for your start-up project? Or are you looking for the founding project that suits you? Then register soon at Start Me Up 2018!

We start the third round of the popular Magdeburg matching event for the start-up scene in Saxony-Anhalt. Founders and potential employees meet in two phases. Let's start with the speed dating, where start-up enthusiasts meet startups and get to know a new team every 5 minutes. Included are Uninow, Kilenda, Vmax pro, Vesputi and many other well-known startups. Then the networking starts in a relaxed atmosphere with snacks and drinks. Meet great personalities, like-minded people and learn from practical examples how to start your own businedd. As a host, Urwahn opens his new office space for us at Lorenzweg 43 in Alte Neustadt, Magdeburg.

Registration and further information under.. 

We are looking forward to seeing you!


Last Modification: 31.07.2019 - Contact Person: Webmaster