Gründerzeit! Compact and Ottopreneur

Erstellt von Vivien Christoph am 11.03.2019 um 09:51 Uhr:

11.03.2019 (Vivien Christoph) - Finally, it was this time of the year again, the Gründerzeit! compact started into a new round and brought the people interested in founding exciting insights into the startup scene. 

Right at the beginning Nance Kaemmerer enthused with an introduction to the topic "Gründen neben der OvGU" and explained what the importance for a part-time self-employment ir business start-up is. 

Other topics included the various financing options, possible support offers and key performance indicators.

Afterwards, a round of interviews with successful OTTOpreneuren followed: Dr. Carsten Borchert (SciFlow), Sven Beeckmann (mycrocast) and Sebastian Hichert (Head of the ego.-incubators FabLab and Additiv).

Gründerzeit! Kompakt (c) Christian Rößler/ TUGZ

Gründerzeit! Kompakt (c) Christian Rößler/ TUGZ

In a friendly round, founding coach Stefan Knoll asked the founders about their personal experiences on the subject of startup in Magdeburg. They chatted and put together in four hashtags what is waiting for them this year: 

  • sciflow: #OpenD #YoungResearcher #SimplifyYourLife #OpenScience
  • mycrocast: #EmotionPur #ErsteKunde #VierKommaFuenfSterne #SachsenAnhaltDigital
  • Inkubatoren FabLab und Additiv: #Laeuft #DigitalProduction #LaserCutting #Kollaboration

Gründerzeit! Kompakt (c) Christian Rößler/ TUGZ

Afterwards the founders had the opportunity to ask their questions to the OTTOpreneure and get to know them personally. 

Gründerzeit! Kompakt (c) Christian Rößler/ TUGZ

The second day of the Gründerzeit! Kompakt was used for networking. In the workshop "Networking 2.0" pracital exercises of Christine Kewitz consilcom Unternehmenskultur GmbH was introduced on how to network successfully

On the third day there was some wordpress-input. Christian Rößler introduced the interested founders into the world of content-management-systeme and told them what kind of design is important for the Landing Page. Afterwards, participants created their own landing page with the help of  wordpress, to make the first customers be interested in them. 

Source of pictures (c) Christian Rössler/ TUGZ

Last Modification: 28.08.2019 - Contact Person: Webmaster